Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday 7-10-12

Three tit total recall

The trailer hints that the three tittied lady is in it. If they show tits I will see it in theatres (the dollar theatre) if they don't then I won't. It is really as simple as that.

Jordan flu game

How come nobody involved other than Jordan got the flu? If he had the flu so bad someone else would have gotten it too. Are you telling me that he magically avoided people on the day(s) he was contagious? It is the middle of the playoffs right? He is constantly around teammates, staff, the other team, etc. and nobody else gets the flu? Whatever.

Abc shows

Good lord they suck.


It is a killer man. I'm pretty good at ignoring it, but work is getting rough lately. Imma gonna play the lottery and see how that turns out.


1) his name sounds like hard on and that is funny
2) he has a Peter Griffin bird beard
3) after watching the NBA playoffs I am not sure why people say he is good. he was not good in the playoffs. At least the finals.

Home Run Derby

I didn't watch much. I watched for a bit and got bored and put Futurama on. In any case the part I did watch was OK. Kruk pretends he is dumb too much. He sandbags.


I hope it becomes a five team trade. That'd be cool.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Keiths Name for the week


I heart Magic Meiz